16th International Course in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques
and Facial Plastic Surgery

20-22 May, 2010


("regform16.rtf" Rich Text Format)


 University of Pécs Faculty of Medicine

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery


Registration Form


Name: ________________________________________________________

Institute: ______________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________________________

Country: ______________________________________________________

ZIP code: _____________________________________________________

Phone: _______________________________________________________

Fax: _________________________________________________________

E-mail: _______________________________________________________


On-site registration fee (please check one of the options):

( ) EUR 600 - with dissection

( ) EUR 400 - without dissection


Please send the completed registration form by mail or fax to:

Attn.         Prof. Dr. József Pytel

Address:   University of Pécs, Faculty of Medicine

                 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

                 Munkácsy M. u. 2.

                 Pécs, Hungary


Phone/Fax: +36 72 312-151
                    +36 72 507-321

E-mail: pytelj@t-online.hu

WEB: http://ent.pote.hu/course16.htm

