6th International Course
in Modern Rhinoplasty Techniques
Pécs, June 1-3, 2000

(in Hungarian Language) Hungary.gif (6847 bytes)

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Group photo of the participants and the staff at the Széchenyi square (main square) of Pécs.

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Invited lecturer and live surgery demonstration:

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Prof. Gilbert J . Nolst Trenité
amcsmaller.gif (1724 bytes) Amsterdam


Course Director:
Prof. Dr. József Pytel

Boards of Teachers:

Prof. József Pytel  (PTE ÁOK, Pécs)
Prof. Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité (AMC, Amsterdam)
Prof. René M. L. Poublon (Dijkzigt, Rotterdam)
OA. Dr. Miriam Bönisch (Austria, Steyr)
Dr. Ödön Rezek (STE ÁOK, Budapest)

Organizer: Dr. Tamás Hajas (PTE ÁOK, Pécs)

Official Language: English

Registration fee:
600,- DEM (with dissection)
400,- DEM ( without dissection)

For further information and registration contact:

Antalovicsné Boros Rita
University of Pécs
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Munkácsy u.2.
H-7621 Pécs, Hungary
Phone/Fax: +36 72 312-151
e-mail: ent@ent.pote.hu

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